How Marketeering Group Saved Hundreds of Hours Fixing WordPress Upgrade Problems

Marketeering Group is a digital marketing agency based in Seattle, Washington. They maintain nearly 200 WordPress sites for small and mid-sized businesses across a variety of industries, from restaurants and salons to plumbers and even commercial manufacturers. When a recent WordPress upgrade caused big problems on most of their clients’ sites, WP Stagecoach saved Marketeering Group hundreds of hours, and their clients’ sites experienced no down time.
Marketeering Group offers complete digital marketing packages. Not only do they build SEO-optimized WordPress sites for their clients, but they take care of ongoing marketing strategy and implementation of content marketing, social media management, and website maintenance. This means that they are responsible for keeping nearly 200 WordPress sites up-to-date with the latest version of all themes, plugins, and more.
When WordPress 4.5 was released, Marketeering Group’s developers discovered a major problem. A theme framework they used on most of their clients’ sites broke in WordPress 4.5, so they couldn’t update to 4.5 without breaking their customers’ sites. As marketers, they also understand that it is vital that a live website not have any broken pages or layouts for any duration of time, which meant making the updates on live sites wasn’t an option.
The obvious solution was to use a staging site to test updates and fix problems. The developers at Marketeering Group needed to create a copy of each live site, run the update, test the site to make sure everything worked, and fix all of the problems that arose from updating to WordPress 4.5 with an incompatible theme framework. Since they had to do this process on over 100 sites, it was going to be very labor-intensive. Just testing the update and fixing problems took several hours for each site.
WP Stagecoach saved Marketeering Group hundreds of hours in this process. Creating a staging site is normally a labor-intensive process, but with WP Stagecoach, you can create a staging site with just one click, and the process only takes a minute or two. WP Stagecoach also makes it easy to import your changes from your staging site to your live site with a single click.
For Marketeering Group, using WP Stagecoach meant that their valuable developers’ hours could be spent fixing problems instead of making staging sites. staging sites.