WP Stagecoach has been acquired by the WP Masters! Please visit this page for more information.

Password Doesn’t Work

There are several usernames and passwords involved in a staging site:

  • wpstagecoach.com password
  • SFTP/FTP password
  • WordPress dashboard password
  • if you set up password protection, the password to view the staging site

The SFTP/FTP password is available in three places: on the WP Stagecoach page of your live site dashboard, the WP Stagecoach page of your staging site dashboard, and your account page.  It is very rare for there to be problems with the SFTP/FTP password: if you are experiencing problems with this password, make sure you are entering it correctly.

The password people find most confusing is the WordPress dashboard password for the staging site. Your staging site is an exact copy of your live site, so you log in to your staging site using the same username and password that you use on your live site.

If you set up password protection and that password is not working, we currently don’t have the capability to change that (we’re working on improving this). You can delete the staging site and create a new one (and be sure to make a note of the username and password).  If you don’t want to do that, you can remove the password protection.  To do this, connect to your staging site via FTP/SFTP and edit the .htaccess file.  At the end of the file, you will see several lines relating to WP Stagecoach password protection – remove or comment out those lines.  You can also contact support, and we will be happy to remove this for you.